The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), like just about every organization, faced some challenging growing pains and public relations hiccups. Their reputation had been tarnished by a number of unfortunate incidences that got some pretty unfavorable press.
Further, the overall morale among their 45,000 Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) was at a low point because of the bad press, public misunderstanding, and the intrusions the public experienced when flying. These circumstances began to take a real toll as it became increasingly difficult to recruit TSOs.
At the request of the TSA leadership, MarCom Group brought their creativity to the problem and developed a campaign that addressed both the general public and the internal audience of TSOs. Drawing on emotional and evocative headlines and images, we launched “What We Do Matters” throughout the country using digital banner ads delivered to mobile devices in and around major airports around the country. We also used airport placements for posters and billboards.
Mission accomplished: a noticeable change in public sentiment, TSOs on the front lines with heads held high, and recruitment up sharply.
ClientTransportation Security Administration