The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) was faced with a dramatic recruiting challenge: because of admirable loyalty and long-term commitment to the Agency by its current workforce, a large percentage of that workforce was nearing retirement. Further complicating the challenge was a perception that the Agency’s work was uninspiring at best and downright boring at worst. New and younger faces and talent were needed fast.
To attract 22 to 30 year-olds and to dispel the misconception about boring agency work, MarCom Group proposed high tech/high touch points of contact and a bold messaging strategy to engage and keep interest high.
An advanced web design with unconventional functionality was used to create a Dot-Com career portal. Unconstrained by many of the rules and regulations of traditional .gov and .mil, the site was animated by multi-layered design features, unexpected demonstrations, interactive games, videos, and useful information that invited visitors to linger longer and learn why DCMA offers great careers to smart and motivated young adults.
Advertising and marketing materials were engaging and audacious-from an intricate die-cut brochure and customized tin presentation box to ads and posters that asked, “What did you do today?”
ClientDefense Contract Management Agency