The U.S. Air Force (USAF) maintains dozens of bases and other facilities around the country. While USAF has military police units that provide some policing, each location also maintains a civilian police force to serve and protect the entire base facilities, including commercial enterprises, support organizations, and the families of the men and women in uniform.
Since 2011, MarCom Group has been charged with filling the ranks of each civilian police force. Relying on recruitment campaigns and other outreach methods, we have created a candidate pipeline with, on average, 210 new candidates registering each month. These candidates are automatically sent customized email announcements when a new open position is announced.
The recruitment campaigns have been supported by a prominent location on the AFCS website that details the law enforcement opportunities, a video overview, and provides access to registration for future communication.
These methods have been very successful and continue to meet the recruitment demands of AFCS law enforcement manpower requirements.
ClientAir Force Civilian Service (AFCS) Police and Security Officers