In anticipation of the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) in Durban, South Africa, the U.S. Department of State sought a way to present a history of the response to HIV/AIDS and the important contribution made by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).
MarCom Group supported this effort by imagining and constructing a dramatic architectural pavilion for the event. Its circular form and soaring tower served as a focal point for the 20,000 event participants, providing an immersive experience with huge video displays and multi-media demonstrations, including 30 feet of interactive touchscreen monitors.
Equally important was the social media engagement—a “Selfie Station” where visitors’ photos were shown on a large overhead monitor and post to Facebook Live and seen around the world.
Given the impossibly short turn-around time—60 days from project award to completed pavilion—MarCom Group was proud of the final result, as was the PEPFAR team and the State Department.
ClientDepartment of State - PEPFAR