Recruitment Consulting

Empowering Your Recruiting Process

MarCom Group developed an innovative solution for improving the recruitment and hiring process by creating a web-enabled platform that builds and maintains a pool of interested talent to facilitate hiring efficiencies. ConnexYou is a unique proprietary system that enables clients to build their own customized and growing talent pool, i.e., database of interested potential candidates. Candidates are invited to subscribe on an organization’s website by providing an email address, their current or preferred occupation, and a preferred work location. Additional related information (e.g., career and education level) and preferences may also be added to the subscription form, but Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is avoided.

Mining for Candidates: Using machine-learning principles and related technology, recruiters can use the database to search for potential candidates, matching subscribers to open positions based on their occupation and location preferences. Through an easy-to-use interface, recruiters can then contact subscribers by direct email, offering matching job opportunities and a link to the job opening announcement (JOA) on USAJOBS and an opportunity to engage further with the recruiter.

Automated Job Matching: Fueled by a daily API data feed of job announcements from USAJOBS, the ConnexYou algorithm runs every night, comparing data sets, matching subscriber preferences—occupation, location, and/or other criteria—to the latest open JOAs, and triggering the automatic delivery of thousands of emails per week to subscribers. This process is fully automated, and emails provide direct links to job applications. Messaging is fully customizable, usable for special announcements such as job fairs, with links to event registration forms and more.

Location Mapping: Another feature of the system plots the location of all open AFCS JOAs on a Find-A-Job map of the United States. Users can select a location on the map and see all the jobs currently available at that location, then access the JOA on USAJOBS with a single click.

ConnexYou has been in use by Air Force Civilian Service (AFCS) since 2012 and has proven to be a highly effective tool for advancing their recruitment and hiring process, helping fill thousands of jobs each year. With nearly 275,000 subscribers in their database, the platform’s automatic email function delivers millions of messages with up-to-the-minute job announcements every month. In March of 2024 alone, ConnexYou delivered 2,050,000 emails to interested prospects, with an open rate of 70% and a click-through rate of over 17%.

A fully branded ConnexYou is available to MarCom Group clients. Reach out to us if your organization could benefit from:

  • Automated delivery of personalized emails matching candidates with your open JOAs to keep your organization top-of-mind in their career search.
  • Building pools of occupation and location-specific candidates and recruiter access for data mining and personalized recruiting.
  • Integration on your career website with customized functionality and fully configurable implementation, compliant with section 508, FISMA, and NIST protocols and requirements.
  • Using system data to analyze ROI on current or past recruitment activities to inform future planning and budgeting.